Which Battery for Which Motor Airsoft

Which Battery for Which Motor Airsoft

If you purchased an AEG (automatic electric gun) and want to supersede it can be hard to determine which one fit and which battery should you apply. Not every airsoft gun accept the same ability output which tin can determine how powerful your airsoft is.

I'm hither to tell you lot how to make your airsoft gun more powerful and which battery you should pick.

Which airsoft battery should you use? The best airsoft battery you should use are Lithium-ion (LiPo), they are able to recharge fast, and you tin can get them in smaller or various size compared to Nickel Cadmium and Nickel metallic hydride.

There are also other things to consider like size, bombardment type, plug (how to replace information technology), and what are the steps to exercise when replacing battery and etc.

If yous continue reading the article, I will give y'all an in-depth about batteries and help y'all to find the right 1 for YOU.

When Should Bombardment Be Replaced?

It's difficult to tell when battery needs to be replaced. It all comes down how much you recharge it and using information technology.

Battery accept a limited before they don't work properly or not efficient anymore. In full general, battery don't demand to exist replace unless yous want more ability or the lifespan decreased also much.

If you feel the battery is draining too much or doesn't concluding long, it would be wise to replace it. However, it tin can exist hard to make up one's mind which ane is ideal if you don't know about batteries.

For me, I usually supplant with a new once the battery chapters are to low.

What Kind Of Batteries Can Your Airsoft Gun Utilize?

Airsoft guns are capable of using tin utilise any bombardment types. The purpose of bombardment is to spin the motor so it can burn BBs consistent. Airsoft gun that is powered by bombardment are called as AEG (Automated Electric Gun).

Airsoft gun that is powered by gas can either replace with CO2 or light-green gas. As for AEG, you lot accept to replace the former battery with a new one. So y'all might wonder what battery can be changed, well there are 3 type of battery that is used for AEG.

  • Nickel Cadmium
  • Nikel Metallic Hydride
  • Lithium-ion

To give you idea what are the advantage and disadvantage, I give you information each of them and which i (personal stance) which 1 is the best.

Nickel Cadmium (NiCd)

The benefit of using it since it has the ability to charge very fast and inexpensive. However, if you don't belch them completely before yous start recharging bombardment, yous would risk losing storage capacity. Another problem is the low energy density.

If you don't use the battery, it would self- discharge which ways you need to recharge them before use.

Since Nickel Cadmium are toxic, they are known to exist environmentally unfriendly. Since it uses toxic metal, there are few countries which permit using these type of batteries.

It's a popular chargeable battery, but present, it's less accessible mainly because it'south toxic and not friendly for the environment.


  • Charge very fast


  • Create heat while charging, there's a adventure it could explode if it gets overcharged.
  • Not friendly for the environment
  • Needs to be discharged completely or you lot tin get the risk of losing storage capacity.

Nickel metal hydride (NiMH)

NiMH bombardment is the most popular choice to go for instead of Nickel Cadmium due to condom.

It contains more of charge due to college voltage and have slower self-discharge which is much slower than NiCd batteries. The only downside is that while charging, information technology'due south slower than NiCd, but much safer since it won't overheat or explode.


  • Environmentally friendly
  • Storage are 30-40% college than NiCd
  • Less decumbent to memory than NiCd


  • High self-belch
  • 20% more than expensive than NiCd

Lithium-ion (LiPi)

This is my personal favorite battery type. In our world, lithium-ion are the most produced batteries. In our telephone, cars, flashlight and etc. The benefit of Lithium-ion is that it's lightweight, and diversity of shapes, especially for compact weapons.

Lithium-ion battery tin can withstand airsoft gun that consumes bombardment energy quickly since they accept big capacity and more than efficient than MiCd.

They take naught memory which means you lot can recharge it without having to worry about being overcharged. It does cost more, just it's well worth considering of the condom.


  • Lightweight and sells in different shapes
  • Ideal for airsoft that consumes high energy than NiCd
  • Low self-discharge: Lithium-ion have less cocky-discharge than NiCd and NiMH
  • Low maintenance: you tin can recharge without affecting their performance. NiCd, however, requires to discharge before you tin recharge it.


  • Cost around 40% more than NiCd
  • Aging: Li-ion bombardment are non durable as NiCd or NiMH and endure capacity loss over time (depending number of charge, and belch cyles the battery has gone through).

Why I Choose Lithium-ion as battery source on my airsoft gun

As I already mentioned, the reason why every players should use information technology because it'due south lightweight, high energi chapters and most important, long lifespan.

Nickel Cadmium have the ability to charge fast, but in order to charge the bombardment it needs to be empty or bombardment volition exist damaged. The other reason is accessibility. They are harder to become because they are not friendly for the surroundings since it contain dangerous acid.

Despite Lithium take longer time to accuse, it's much safer.

Majority electric cars do also use Lithium-ion as battery and get the do good from information technology. However, in return the battery might cost more only information technology's worth for many years to come up.

What is C rate in LiPo batteries?

While looking at Lithium-ion batteries, you will notice LiPo take these letters. For short answer it make up one's mind how much it can push button and this tin be found out by adding mAH and C rating together.

The C rating tells united states of america how fast a battery can discharge information technology's energy. And the college C rating it has, the more power information technology delivers to motors.

mAH * C rating = maximum discharge in amps.

For example:

  • A 1300mAH 20C can push button upwards to 26 amps and has 1300mAh.  1300mAH * 20C = 26 amps

What is the difference between mAH and C rating?

mAH gives us information how long the battery would last in hour, while C rating tell us what is the max current draw from the battery without overheating or damaging the battery.

Why does it matter to airsoft?

The higher C rating, the shorter it would terminal, but information technology will withdraw a lot of current, for example LMG. These gun demand consisten and need to discharge a lot from bombardment because their motor is big and need to spin fast. LMG is commonly used as support since they cover for their teammates.

Every bit for regular rifle (AEG), don't need it considering motor is small and you will often hold the trigger for a few second or longer. The aforementioned goes for automatic pistol, they don't need it since at that place are a few moving part.

Equally I told y'all earlier that battery take a safe feature that prevents battery from harm or overheating in that location is a unproblematic math.

To find this information you can do it by dividing 1 hour (60 min) with the C rate of the battery. And then you volition detect out how long it would last.

  • 6C battery can last in 10minutes (60min/6C=10 min)
  • 20C battery can last in 5 minutes (60min/20C=5min)
  • 60C battery can last in 1 minutes (60min/60C=1min)

What battery shape can you get?

Shape and size have a big impact if AEG guns accept only one room for one specific shape of batteries. A inexpensive solution is to tape it outside the gun, but it has a higher run a risk of getting damaged by the rain or falling off.

Luckily, airsoft manufacturers have idea about this and solve this by giving you several options to pick from.

  • Brick – These batteries have a shape merely like a small-scale apartment rectangle and is ordinarily used for compact guns.
  • Nunchuck – Batteries are fit into 2 minor tubes in the sliding stock. For example, Tenergy 8.4 airsoft (1600mAh) bombardment is a good instance of how it would expect like.
  • Crane – Almost identical to nunchuck bombardment pack, except it's connected two or three tubes of batteries.
  • Stick  – The batteries are lined upwardly and look similar a stick. Instead of having 2 tubes, this i simply has ane tub.
  • Large – Instead of having one tube, this one have two batteries lined upward to each other.
  • Mini – This is a flat battery and smaller than the large version.
  • PEQ – This blazon of batteries are stored in a battery pack and used in airsoft guns, but also RC auto boat, robot, and aeroplane as well.

Battery Plug (and How to change the Plug)

Once you lot got an eye on the bombardment CHECK the plug that comes with it. A battery take to unlike plugs, one for charging and the other to connect to the motor. Each plug accept two wire that is used to recieve and transfer electricity.

Battery plug accept two wire (cherry-red and black) and it's important they are solid connect for amend peformance or the motor won't run properly. You don't desire to buy one and notice later on that the male and female person plug in doesn't fit each other.

Basically, battery plug have 2 wire (red and blackness) and it'southward of import they are solid connect for better peformance.

What blazon of Plugs are used for airsoft?


Tamiya plugs are the most mutual connector on nearly of the airsoft guns. These are 14mm wide plastic plug(either in white or green) and tin can handle up to 15amps of electric energy passing through.

Mini Tamiya

This is the same as Tamiya ,but at a smaller size. These are 10mm wide and withstand 9 amps of electric energy passing through. This connect is a great solution if the battery storage is narrow.


Different the Tamiya, Deans plug is made of small ruddy and accept yellow blad sticking out.  It's designed to withstand high amps and prevent losing voltage through the connector. Ideal for guns with loftier operation since they take lower resistance and less heat build-up. The connector are pocket-sized, giving more room inside the battery storage.

Is Deans plug worth it?

Yep, they are not expensive to buy and like shooting fish in a barrel to replace with the old i. This would exist the virtually sufficient way for your bombardment to deliver energy to the motor without losing as well much free energy.

This is important for professional airsoft players since they spend much to achieve loftier peformance.

So what item do you need?

  • A male dean
  • A female dean
  • Wire cutter
  • A helping mitt
  • A pilus dryer
  • solder
  • shrink tubing

If you don't have these tool, y'all can go the local airsoft and inquire if they can do it for you lot.

If you accept the wrong connector on your bombardment, don't panic. Y'all tin can become an adapter and so you don't accept to buy a new one.

If you lookout man the video below it shows you how to supervene upon the plug with Deans plug.

This methode tin can be used:

  • To extend the cable
  • Supersede a broken plug
  •  Irresolute to some other plug

Important: Most airsoft gun have two wires ( red and black) and it'south important that the positive goes to positive and negative goes to negativ. This can be checked if you plug it in see which wire goes to who.

Battery Charger

Once you have installed or purchase new battery, the next step is to pick a charger that is specifically use for airsoft gun.  Recharge your battery with a standard charger gives a college chance like damagin your bombardment or overheating while charging.

What you would need is a "smart" charger, this device cost actress, but the feature you recieve would be like

Unlike a standard which just recharge consistently without knowing if the bombardment is total or not.

What Should You lot Exercise Before Replacing A New Battery

Now the next step you will learn are things that is necessary knowledge such

  • What is mAH
  • Voltage
  • How to calculate
  • What would happen if the battery voltage is to high

Once yous read all of them, you volition then learn how to replace a new bombardment safetly.

Most beginners don't know that the battery needs to deliver plenty mAH(milli Ampere-60 minutes) and Voltage for airsoft gun to part properly. Non enough voltage or current, the motor won't be able to work properly. Too much power would article of clothing and tear internal components which reduce the lifespan.


On the bombardment you will run across big letter of the alphabet that is written for example: 1300 mAh or 2600 mAh.

This stands for milli Ampere-hour, and this tells you how much energy information technology stores and how long it takes to drain it out in a hour.

mAH indicate how much energy (fuel) the battery has when fully charged. How much you demand depends on how much the motor consume energy. Big motor requires more energy because they are powerful, while small motor requires less energy.

So How much mAH do your airsoft need (and how do you lot summate it)?

Having loftier mAH allow you lot to play with your airsoft gun in an extensive time before changing a new bombardment or recharge information technology till information technology's total.

Another reason why picking high mAH let your gun to take faster trigger response. The all-time way to determine what is the minimun is by looking at the previous bombardment your airsoft gun used.

This give yous an idea what is the express so your airsoft can run smoothly.

How long volition your bombardment final?

As a player you desire to know how long the bombardment will last till information technology'south empty, about airsoft field usually open from nine:00 AM to 5:00 PM, so you want to carry at least 2 batteries in case the other battery finish working.

A general rule of thumb is i shot per mAH of the battery. Permit'due south say the battery have 1500 mAH, yous tin expect to shoot effectually 1500 shots.

Nonetheless, ther result wouldn't exist accurate of other things that can bear upon such equally temperature, how long you lot charged information technology , how new the battery is and what role you lot are playing, and etc.

There is a manner to find out how long (or how much the bombardment would last) tin can be calculated by dividing Battery capacity (in mAH) and load current (in mAH).

We need to find out how much the capacity of the battery and how much mAH does airsoft gun drain.

To do this, you would need:

  • multimeter that is capable of reading miliamps
  • 14 AWG wire ( about to six inches)
  • xvi AWG wire (nearly to 6 inches)
  • ii alligator clips
Step i:

First thing is to brand a jumper cablevision with the wire and ii alligator clips , and around 6 inches of wire. The cable need to exist trim enough to attach the clip.

Unremarkably I think blackness wire as negative and red as positive. It doesn't matter which side the color is merely make things piece of cake to do.

Step ii:

Kickoff have the black wire and connect the wire from the negative side of the battery to the negative connection of the gun.

Step three

Next is accept the multimeter and set it on to miliamps (mA) and plug the positive contact (from the multimeter) to the positive feed of the bombardment.

Then plug the negative lead  (from the multimeter) into the positive pb of your gun. Once you have done these steps, it should wait like this:

Stride 4

Test your gun with loaded mag as if you were playing in the field.  Take a couple of shots (around five-6 shots) and write downwardly how many miliamps the meter shows each time you lot fire the gun.

Afterward add all the numbers together and divide information technology by the number of times you test fired the gun. This volition be the boilerplate milliamp your gun will draw out of your battery.

How to calculate the battery life

In one case you got these steps downward, it's fourth dimension to discover out how long the bombardment would last.

This is how you lot find out how long the battery life is:

How to do mAH battery life calculation (Source)

Battery Life Formula and Calculation

For example:

  • A battery with 1000 mAH and the gun describe around 200 mAh, you divide and get 5 hours.
  • A battery with 2000 mAH and the gun draw around 200 mAh, y'all divide get 10 hours.

Having problem? Yous tin can utilize this website (Source) which automatically calculate by placing numbers in at that place, and in a 2nd y'all volition get the answer.


Voltage is measured in (V) and it gives you lot data on how much electrical energy are delivered to the motor.

The more voltage the battery has, the motor volition attempt to pull even faster when you agree on the trigger. It would response faster, and increase the rate of fire.

In that location is a misconcept about the more voltage the bombardment store, the more powerful it is. That is not correct, it only increase the speed of the motor, but not the projectile (which is the Bbs).

Higher-voltage battery are for guns with upgraded/stronger gearbox and powerful springs. Using them on stock gun would risk the harm to the gun.

How much voltage tin you become from Airsoft batteries

In the market place, the most common you lot can get are 7.2V, 8.4V, 9.6V and x.8V.  If this is not enough you tin besides buy 12V, merely it's not common to accept on regular airsoft gun.

The more than voltage you desire, the bigger batteries you lot become and this can be a problem if your gun can simply have one specific shape.

Other things to consider

What would happen if the new battery has college voltage than the stock battery?

Don't worry, your gun won't explode if you switch with a bombardment that has college voltage than the previous one. However, there are several things that would occur.

It might exist a practiced thing to replace a bombardment that has higher voltage to make your gun faster, but doing this tin put huge stress on internal components such equally springs, motor and trigger contact.

They are calculated to operate at a certain voltage and since internal parts are stocks, if you lot supplant with a battery with higher output, the motor would overspin and perhaps damage trigger, wear and tear the gearbox. It causes them to fail before.

If the battery has lower voltage and high mAH, it won't have enough electric free energy to transfer motor. The motor wouldn't be able to spin properly.

What battery is the safest to utilise on airsoft gun?

I have mentioned that replacing battery that have college voltage can impairment the internal components, just some batteries can be dangerous if you don't properly accept care of them.

Lithium-ion are very popular batteries for airsoft players, just it tin be dangerous if things go wrong (flame pop up if information technology's shorted). However, this tin can only happen if you lot don't employ a charger that are specifically designed or it got puncture.

Safety rules (Things You Shouldn't Do)

Don't option upwards by the leads, but by its torso – the wires could be pulled off if y'all do this too many times which issue fracture from solder joints.

Charge at a rubber place – The location needs to exist fire-proof while charging your battery. Using a Lipo-safety bage is a expert solution or use a ammo box (cheap  and good methode).

Don't accuse your battery right abroad after using it – The battery is still hot and then let it completely cool down before charge your battery.

It's recommended to charge your battery at 1C or less.

Keep watching while charging battery – Check if the battery getting warm or starts to corking, if you come across that happen stop charging immediatly.

Don't accuse or use the bombardment if there are signs of impairment similar puncture, swollen or any visible sign of harm.

Brand sure the charger are corretly set based on number of cells and battery type to avoid whatsoever damage or overcharge the battery cells.

Don't get out the bombardment, although charger prevent information technology, it's a practiced idea to keep on eye on jail cell voltage regularly.

Don't accuse or leave a battery in the dominicus or a hot car.

Are charger uniform with other batteries?

Each individual charger are only compatible for certain battery types. I know for a fact that Lipo bombardment charger can only charge lithium (or lipo) battery, and there are battery charger for NiMH/NiCd charger.

Lipo Battery often times accept two sets of blank leads, and if the labels says: LiPO, LIP,LI-PO, Li-Polymer, Li-Poly, Lithium Polymer, Li-ion, Lithium-Ion, Lithium.

Don't buy cheap batteries

Buying from an unkown visitor or people is a bad idea, specially if they are cheap. Battery contains cemical which can start fire, impairment the motor inside the gun and acid which can burn of the skin. Purchase from trust worthy brands or stores that specialized in airsoft.

Do you need only one bombardment?

While playing in the field, information technology can exist quite handy by having more than one battey with you lot. If something happen to your battery, yous won't exist able to play (unless other people can lend).

Normally a battery ordinarily final a mean solar day, just if you forgot to fully charge it, it won't make through out the day, so having an extra battery is the best solution.



Which Battery for Which Motor Airsoft

Posted by: hintonedwou1994.blogspot.com

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